
Lucy has been widely published in various publications and magazines.

She is author of Forgetful Heart: Remembering God in a Distracted World, published in 2014. This was followed by Undivided Heart: Finding Meaning and Motivation in Christ in October 2017. Both these books were published under her former name – and former life – of Lucy Mills.

Lucy’s life and outlook has changed considerably since writing these books, but they formed an intrinsic part of her journey. She is happiest now within the fuzzy edges of faith and doesn’t like pinning things down, open to the wonders of life seen and unseen, but will always have respect for those who find meaning in different ways.

The year 2020 was a momentous tipping point for Lucy and everything changed for her.

There may be a third book to come: Awakened Heart: Learning the Art of Beginning Again. If she ever gets round to writing it, it could be, for her, the most significant book she ever writes… and would reflect the impact of her own deconstruction and beginning again as herself, as an artist.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

Oscar Wilde